1 From the Cle Des Fosses to the Fond du Verne 8:53
2 At Guiny in mist 5:45
3 The large clearings of Palonniere 5:21
4 At Meslier 8:57
5 In the middle of the night at Joviniere 9:59
6 The ten pointer at Cherons 5:59
7 The belches of a lying stag 8:16
8 A clash at the Goutte d'Argent 2:18
9 The same stag as on track 1, a year earlier, at the same place 9:50
10 A languid roar 1:14
11 Roar in a temper 1:15
12 The main roar 1:38
13 Belch(Knoren) 1:26
14 Bark(Schreken) 0:44
15 Short, sharp barks, following a hind (Sprengruf) 1:07
16 Cough
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